Weekly Horoscopes





Happy cosmic New Year, Ram! Wednesday the 10th marks the annual new moon in Aries, one of the most fertile planting days of your year. What seeds do you want to sow for the rest of 2013? Your bumper crop will be ready for harvest under the light of the corresponding full moon in Aries on October 18. PS: That October full moon also happens to be a lunar eclipse, which guarantees some bonus surprises if you tend well to your garden. Bonus: this new moon will land at a close degree to your cosmic ruler Mars, adding even more fuel to your fire. Major! Spend time Wednesday mapping out a list of desires and getting clear about what the picture of fulfillment looks like for you. For some Aries, this week’s new moon could spin your life in an entirely new and unexpected direction. As the expression goes, the only thing constant is change. You may decide to break away from a confining commitment in the interest of your personal growth and freedom. At the very least, you’ll require greater autonomy in your relationships, both personal and professional. Keep that hotheaded temper in check. You can’t blame your adoring fans for wanting a piece of your time. It’s up to you to regulate how much you give them, so take responsibility for not having the best of boundaries last week. Are you ready to see your name on the marquis or a storefront sign perhaps? This new moon gets you hopped up about developing your professional reputation, and might even lure you onstage or on-camera. Make sure you’re ready for your close-up, Aries. The talent scouts could radar in on you at any given moment this week. This new moon green lights investments in your own self-development too. Sign up for that life-changing workshop, jump in the mastermind group, buy a ten-pack of personal coaching sessions. It takes money to make money and your innovative mind is the most priceless resource in your arsenal. While the new moon will have you riding high on a wave of inspiration, make sure you’re wearing a life vest. On Friday the 12th, Pluto pulls you into a bit of an undertow, turning retrograde in your tenth house of career until September 19. Your game plan for world domination will require a revamp during this five-month phase. While you don’t have to jump ship, there are some hidden factors you failed to consider that demand to be dealt with now. Although Pluto’s backspin could give you vertigo, it will force you to dig deeper into your creativity. Your master plan for your professional life WILL become stronger based on this reassessment. Be patient and don’t allow this detour to zap your inspiration. Necessity is the mother of invention, Aries, and probing Pluto can help you strike gold by forcing you to really stretch into your zone of genius. Your family structure could get a little shakeup from Pluto’s backspin. A provider figure you were depending on could tighten up the flow of resources, throwing your budget for a loop. Again, this is just another wakeup call from the universe to pump up your own self-sufficiency. You’re stronger and more marketable than you’ve given yourself credit for, Aries! On Saturday, expressive Mercury cruises into Aries until April 30. Bring on the makeover magic! Those greige and black winter numbers are dragging you down big time. Swap them out for pops of bright colorblocking and bold graphic patterns. You’ll feel a lot more flamboyant when it comes to your style. A pastel ombre or bright head of highlights could be in the cards for you. This two-week period is an ideal time for public speaking and performing. Go on, Aries: read your latest poem at that open-mic night, volunteer to be the spokesperson for the big company presentation, audition for that role you secretly know you’d kill at. While you might pretend you don’t love the applause and attention, you know that’s just not true. Welcome to the limelight…it’s calling you!




Cue the Rob Base. This week’s new moon in Aries and your third house of dynamic duos reminds you that it takes two to make a thing go right. From songwriting partners to committee co-chairs to exercise buddies, the cooperative approach can help you soar. Independent Aquarius, your “I’ll do it my way” insistence is slowing you down big time. Put your pride to the side and let people who have arrived at the other side of a similar struggle illuminate an easier path. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off of is just more entertaining. Give it a whirl! Your social life gets a boost from the new moon sending you in search of kindred spirits. Let your calendar fill with events that feed the culture-vulture in you. From indie dance troop performances to heart-opening seminars (you can get a little New Agey) to the locavore restaurant’s seasonal farm-to-table tasting event, you’re hungry for the new. You could find yourself commuting about more often than expected with all this busy energy sweeping through your life. Are you wasting a little too much time on the subway platform or too many bills at the gas station? This new moon may portend the purchase of a car, eco-chic bike, or a Zipcar membership to help you save time on your treks. You might even look into a ride share, another great way to get the social vibes going in your everyday life. Keeping on top of your schedule will be the biggest challenge of the week. Not only does the new moon boost your popularity, but increases your tendency to double-book. Keep all engagements plugged into your mobile calendar and set those reminder alarms. You might even have to bow out of a few commitments for the sake of your sanity. Aquarius, we realize you’re the sign of the sci-fi futurist, but humans have yet to develop the formula that allows you to be in two places at the same time (quantum physics aside). Leave ample space in between appointments so you have a moment to breathe here and there too. Got a project to plug and promote? Get the buzz going on social media. Your ideas could become a trending topic in the Twitterverse. The third house rules writing, making this a great week to launch a blog, release a flurry of posts, start working on a screenplay, memoir of the next Nobel Prize winning novel. You might also start training on a new piece of software or learn a digital skill. Check out the online tutorials on lynda.com or head to the Apple Store for a live training. Geeking out could spell money in the bank for Water Bearers. On Friday the 12th, probing Pluto makes its annual U-Turn, spinning retrograde until September 19 in your twelfth house of the subconscious mind. Welcome to the surreal world, Aquarius. Parsing through some shadowy emotions may be part of this journey. You might even call upon a therapist, coach, or another wise guide to help you navigate and find your flashlight. Deep and amazing insights are available, so don’t be afraid to plumb the depths of your feelings. This is a powerful time for tuning n to your limiting beliefs and seeing exactly where you have become your own worst enemy. The connection between mind and body is a potent one, and physical symptoms might just dissipate when you adjust your outlook on life. Check out Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” for an insightful prescription therein. The twelfth house is the final house in the zodiac cycle, and a planet’s journey through this zone can help us surrender and let go. Check your physical space. You may decide to give your home an extreme makeover–or shall we say, makeunder–excising clutter and living like a well-appointed minimalist. A detox could have a major impact so give your space a sweep. From cleaning products to pesticide-sprayed foods to the mascara in your makeup bag, eliminating chemicals can have a profound affect on your health. Replace some of the harsher options with organic ones and see how you feel. Incorporate juicing into your diet; you might even do a gentle cleanse to get your systems rebooted and eliminate toxics from your body. Guilty much, Aquarius? Pluto’s backspin can bring you face-to-face with your misplaced sense of obligation and codependence. You love your peeps, but are you taking on too much burden for their feelings and happiness? Your only job is to find your joy; you simply can’t do that work for others. Pulling back and allowing people to have their own ups and downs can actually improve your relationship. Remember your mantra of live and let live: it’s the Aquarius way!




Unleash your inner tycoon! On Wednesday the 10th, the new moon in Aries sends an ambitious jolt to your tenth house of career. If your motivation has been flagging, fear not! La luna restores a sense of purpose to your professional life and may even redirect your focus to a new field. Adding more fuel to your tanks is motivator Mars, which is traveling at a close degree to the new moon. Girl (or guy) on fire! There’s no stopping the trailblazer in you this week, Cancer. Be bold! If you have a vision for an independent project or feel like you’re the perfect person to helm a new division of the company, this is the week to make your pitch. Have you dreamed of becoming your own boss? Although you’re a security-minded soul, and not inclined to leaping without looking, you’re willing to take a bigger gamble this week. Start things up as a side gig and see what happens. You might be tendering your resignation at that draining 9-5 by the time the corresponding full moon in Aries (a potent lunar eclipse!) rolls around this coming October 18. Feel like your skill set needs a boost? Enroll in a mastermind group or a continuing education course to polish up your professional edge. Training with a media or public speaking coach could do wonders since this new moon seems to be beckoning you on to the podium. The tenth house rules men and family traditions and this one could spark a spicy—or stressful—chapter with a guy in your life. The influence of Mars turns up the heat, for better or for worse. A recurring conflict could get ultra-heated and you could find yourself on the verge of a snap. Look out, Crab! This week’s hot-tempered vibes could cause you to say something you utterly regret. Those pincers of yours are sharper than a Ginsu knife, so if you do raise a touchy topic do so with extreme sensitivity to how the fella may feel. Your emotions can be so intense that you become accidentally self-absorbed. When you’re hurt, you jab back hard, feeling justified in your wrath. But this often causes uncalculated damage, beyond what you knew your sweet self was capable of. Go easy on ‘em, Cancer. You can still get your point across with a gentler, more diplomatic approach. On the upside, Mars’ energizing influence can rocket your relationship with a guy into orbit–as business partners, bedroom buddies, or another creative configuration. The coming six months will be a focused time for developing this bond. And if thinking about the happily-ever-after freaks you out too much, just give him a trial run between now and the full moon/lunar eclipse in Aries on October 18. On Friday the 12th, transformational Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn and your seventh house of relationships until September 19, causing you to assess your closest bonds. Someone you labeled your “other half” (a BFF or business partner even) could fail to meet your hopes and expectations. While this can send you into a temporary disappointment spiral, take a step back. Retrogrades may stall progress, but they also give us a golden opportunity to gain perspective. Perhaps you were leaning too heavily on this person in the first place. Cozy, sentimental Cancer, you love the idea of having an “other half,” but that can also mean missing out on an amazing world of people. Plus, your intense focus on a partner creates pressure. Even if your heart is in the right place your constant kindness may leave the other person obligated and eternally in your debt. And guess what? This also conveniently gives you the upper hand, and the power. Hmmmm. Pluto’s backspin helps you restore the equilibrium in your relationships so they don’t keep turning into unspoken battles for domination and control. The key to finding balance? Stop giving so much. Pulling back and making your bond about fun rather than “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” restores the genuine love that brought you together in the first place. Of course, you might have found someone who loves to latch on to you as much as you do in return. Pluto’s backspin throws issues of jealousy and possession under the microscope. You could be the one racing away from the claustro vibes now, longing for a little patch of solitude. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater, Cancer. Try to negotiate a better balance of “me” and “we” before you head for the hills. While there could be an emotional adjustment period, a healthy partner will adjust, pleased to see you developing your own independent interests. On Saturday, social Mercury moves into Aries for two weeks, turning networking into a varsity sport for you. No skipping out on the industry events and client dinners! Socializing is the key to your success in business between now and April 30. Radar in on the key players you’d like to collaborate with, and start setting up those power lunches.




Keep on tending to your hearth and home. On Wednesday, the new moon in Aries plants itself in your domestic fourth house, prompting you to prioritize personal affairs. Move a little closer to the ones you love. New opportunities for intimacy burst open like cherry blossoms, helping you break the ice with friends and bridge the divide you’ve been feeling with relatives. Bring on the warm hugs, lingering dinner parties, and cozy conversations. This week is all about bonding with your inner circle. Some Capricorns may feel decidedly uncomfortable with all the touchy-feely vibes going around this week. Don’t worry: people will not mistake your kindness for weakness just because you drop the “I’ve got it handled” mask and admit that you could use some support too. The softer side of Capricorn is peeking out, making you far more accessible and endearing. Planning a family vacation or reunion can infuse your life with fresh purpose, giving you something major to look forward to. You might even visit your ancestral homeland for a historical edification, bringing younger relatives along or reuniting with long-lost cousins. This new moon aligns with motivating Mars, putting fuel in your tanks for a household project. Is it time to renovate, redecorate, or just open a can of Feng Shui on your joint? Put on the project manager’s chapeau and map out any such projects. You want a clear picture of budget and timeline before you go swinging any hammers. Warning: Mars can make you a wee bit overzealous. Maybe it’s better to just try a new paint scheme before you start tearing down walls to convert your cute one-bedroom into an open-plan loft, or start with a few beds of kale, arugula and beets before you decide that you are going to grow everything that you eat this summer. Is that a Ryder truck pulling up to the curb? If you’re in the market for a move, la luna points you to the real estate listings. As new moons portend fresh starts, this is an ideal time to relocate, should that be your desire. If you’re a home owner, call up the real estate agent and plant the For Sale sign on your lawn. It may take until the corresponding full moon on October 18 to seal the deal, but now is a good time to get the staging and repairs underway. Setting up a home office is another way this new moon could play out. Capricorn, you’re usually the star employee at your office. Is the 9-5 grind keeping you away from your family? Discuss the possibility of a part time work-from-home schedule. Self-regulated as you are, no one has to question if the job will get done. There’s one caveat here: jamming from home requires better boundaries in the work-life balance department. It’s easy to putter to your desk in your pajamas and stay there for the entire day. Having a clear cut-off time is important or you might actually see less of your fam, even if they’re under the same roof. This new moon can make you a little moody too, so if you get a case of melancholy, make sure you talk about it. The fourth house rules women and the ladies in your life will be a great source of strength. Examine your nutrition too. The relationship between food and mood is a potent one. Try keeping a food journal for the week, tracking your emotions and energy level after each meal. Get tested for food allergies if you suspect you may have them (many people do). A sensitivity to dairy, wheat, eggs, or another secret ingredient could be the culprit of your crashes. On Friday the 12th, penetrating Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn for five months, putting you through a mini identity crisis. For a moment, you might feel as if you’ve chosen the wrong path for yourself or that you have to go back to the drawing board on a grand idea. Don’t hit the panic button, Capricorn! Pluto is the planet of extremes but there are more than fifty shades of grey between those stark blacks and whites. Think of Pluto’s backspin as an opportunity to refine and redesign…and even rebrand yourself. Presenting an updated face to the world will set you free from the pressure of expectations, even if the new you doesn’t align with people’s prior impressions of you. What matters most is that you can defend your choices. Remove all shame from the matter. You’ve evolved and people will have to get used to it. If you’re bound up in any toxic entanglements, Pluto hands you the scythe and helps you cut away those ties. While intense and even a little painful in moments, the purpose of Pluto’s retrograde is to help you to form a deep connection to yourself. You may need more solitary space between now and September 19 for this very purpose. If you don’t set up the aforementioned home office, how about turning the guest room into your meditation sanctuary or music studio? A personal project that falls into the “making art for art’s sake” category could be quite cathartic. Wait before you feel pressured to plan a gallery show or invite your arty friends over for a live critique. This one may never turn into a business or moneymaking venture, but will rather serve as a conduit to your own healing and creative discovery.




Start assembling your dream team. Wednesday’s new moon in Aries energizes your eleventh house of collaborations, giving you the urge to merge with other innovative go-getters. Hunting for your tribe could be a bit of a process, Gemini, so don’t get frustrated if you don’t feel an immediate click. Good thing new moons give you six whole months to manifest their magic. Let yourself dabble, wander, and explore different scenes. By the time the corresponding full moon in Aries (a potent lunar eclipse to boot) rolls around on October 18, you could be happily ensconced in an enviable entourage or inking a deal for a joint venture. Already found the peeps you want to huddle up with? Take the initiative to formalize your collaboration this week. You might draft an official agreement outlining expectations and compensation; or maybe you’ll finally give your band a proper name. Being part of a collective also works well for your independent sign: that way, you don’t have to sacrifice your autonomy just to spend time in the company of other peeps. You might rent a desk in a coworking space or a portion of an artist’s studio. Comfortably co-existing with other great minds can stimulate your own creativity now. The eleventh house rules technology and this new moon helps you amp up your web presence. Still using a stock avatar to represent yourself or running a clunky “2000-late” template on your blog? Yikes! Okay, we know most Geminis are a liiiiitle too design-obsessed for that, but pumping up the volume on a web-based venture is definitely sanctioned by this new moon. Open up your Etsy or eBay store, or go full-force with your own e-commerce site. Prepare a flurry of posts to time and release; bonus if you include audio and video clips. Upgrade your gadgets and get them all networked and synced up. Technology is your friend, Gemini, so snap out of ludite mode if you’re stubbornly insisting on “keeping it analog.” Looking to pad your pockets with some extra income? Learning new software or adding a digital skill to your toolbelt can spell money in the bank. Time to pore over that Photoshop or WordPress tutorial series, perhaps? Your social life gets a real-time boost too and when it comes to your career, you could earn a varsity letter in networking this week. Push yourself to go to the industry events, office happy hours, and other schmoozeworthy gatherings. Exchanging cards with a couple of the party peeps could lead to a fortuitous new opening for your career. On Friday the 12th, probing Pluto shifts into reverse, retrograding through your eighth house of sex and secrets until September 19. Intense! You love unraveling a mystery more than most, but this Pluto phase could find you downright obsessed with an elusive target. Longing for what you can’t have is just an endless feedback loop of frustrating, Gemini. Tear yourself away from these games so you don’t waste a spring and summer sucked into this painful vortex. If you’re in a relationship, you may have to deal with jealousy issues—yours or your partner’s. The way you divvy up and share resources could also come under the microscope. As amenable as you are, even you have your limits. If you feel more like a sponsor than an equal partner, something’s gotta give. Maybe you’re the breadwinner, so is your other half contributing in other ways? If you’ve been depending on your honey’s resources, you might start to feel controlled if you don’t start adding to the pot. There could be some tense talks ahead as you get yourselves back into a more harmonious balance. Don’t sweep tough issues under the rug. Doing so will definitely affect your mojo, Gemini. There’s nothing like a buried issue to send you running to the refrigerator for a round of emotional eating followed by a nookie-free night of crashing on the couch. Such an unsexy fate is fully avoidable if you are willing to face the scary (but ultimately liberating) conversations about your relationship; in fact, working this through as a couple could become an incredible bonding experience. Lock up the credit cards! Pluto’s retrograde can help you get a handle on debt and possibly even pay down a good chunk of it by the time September rolls around. Transforming your spending habits could be an epic challenge, but you’re ready to get to the heart of what’s driving your itchy spending trigger finger. Money won’t buy you happiness (as your three storage units or overstuffed closets have shown you). While it can be tough to let go of that vice, putting your wallet on a diet for the next five months could bring some amazing makeover magic to your world. On Saturday, your ruling planet Mercury moves into Aries for two weeks, furthering the social butterfly energy that’s afoot. Get more involved in community happenings. From your building’s board to your block association to the social planning committee at your office, engaging in a more meaningful way makes you feel more at home in your everyday life. Plus, it’s a great way to break the ice with the people you see on a regular basis. Give it a try, even if you only stick around in these groups for a little while.




Hello, Idea Factory. Wednesday’s fiery and energizing new moon in Aries gets the entrepreneurial wheels a-spinning. Visualize the possibilities, Leo: from an organic food truck to a cold-pressed juice delivery service (on colorful, eco-chic vintage Schwinns!) to a mobile beauty salon, there is no shortage of genius in that mind of yours. Don’t just brush these off as passing fancies. The visionary vibes that you plant under the magic of a new moon can manifest into a major bumper crop six months from now when the corresponding full moon lights up the night skies. The ninth house also rules publishing. Is there a novel or self-help book living in that head of yours? Get to work on the proposal or manuscript to shop to an agent. Circle October 18, the date of the Aries FULL moon (which also happens to be a powerful lunar eclipse) for your major manifestation moment. If you’re really serious about giving your venture a go, now’s the time to turn the key in the ignition, even if you’re just testing the waters and starting it up as a side business. Some Leos may find themselves traveling for work this week, perhaps taking on a job with a bi-city commitment or a regular client commute. Your desire to see the world is definitely piqued under this lunar light. If you feel tethered to your hometown, what can you do to shake that up? Start making the strategic moves that allow you to work more independently or add some mobility to your job description. You could even begin building bridges via the virtual network this week, looping in collaborators in other countries and cities across the globe. Who knows? You might just hold a summit in Sao Paolo or the Swiss Alps before the year is through. Long-distance and cross-cultural relationships get a boost from the new moon too. Keep your mind wide open to people from different backgrounds and walks of life. The “opposites attract” rule could loop you together in a spicy masala. Let the differences intrigue you rather than send you scurrying to your safe and familiar crew. As a curious, creative fire sign, your mind is ever hungry for knowledge. This new moon sanctions a fresh educational pursuit. Sign up for the seminar…or even the spring semester…to gain greater mastery in a subject that fascinates you. On Friday the 12th, shadowy Pluto turns retrograde in your sixth house until September 19, stirring up a little drama in your work life. Have you been playing the martyr, running yourself ragged and refusing to delegate? You could hit the burnout zone hard if you keep this up, so call for backup, ASAP. There could be some changes among the ranks at your work too, which might leave you feeling a bit vulnerable. Remember: you have the power to rebuild relationships. Avail yourself to the new team members and you’ll increase your security big time. A struggling loved one may require more help from you during this five month phase, but again, it’s essential that you have clear boundaries, Leo. You’re a devoted giver when your nurturing skills are called upon, but you could zap your reserves trying to fix people’s issues for them. Remember that this must be a cooperative effort. Support, but don’t do the heavy lifting for people or you’ll only enable their dependency and lack of confidence in themselves. This Pluto phase offers you an important window to slow down and form healthier habits. Rather than burn out with adrenal fatigue, find a soulful outlet for your spring training. Mantra-based movement like Intensati (satilife.com) or Kundalini yoga can get your mind, body and spirit back in harmonious alignment. Cut back on caffeine in the afternoons, and make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep. Your body will require a little more rejuvenation time to bounce back during this retrograde. A few less late-night benders, please, for the sake of self-preservation! On Saturday, messenger Mercury sweeps into Aries for two weeks, bringing more long-distance opportunities your way. If you missed your spring breaker moment last month, it’s not too late. Pack your bag and visit a friend in a fun cosmopolitan hotspot, or rent a beach house and reunite with friends from around the world. This Mercury phase doses you with truth serum, making it impossible to tell a lie. Honesty is the best policy but don’t bludgeon them with the truth hammer. You can still get your message across using kindness and compassion. Why burn bridges, Leo, when you can build them with your heartfelt authenticity?




Oh l’amour! The new moon in Aries hits the refresh button on your romantic life, opening up an exciting six-month chapter for commitments. Aries rules your seventh house, the zodiac’s zone meant for making unions official. Are you ready to put a ring on it…or maybe some ink on it? From marriage certificates to business contracts, the planets pump up your urge to merge. Fiery, motivating Mars is also in the mix, dancing cheek-to-cheek with the new moon. This can make you a bit more impulsive in choosing your “other half,” Libra. While this would evoke a cautionary tale for other signs, in your case, a little velocity wouldn’t hurt a bit. Some Libras are die-hard members of the “slow love movement.” While you adore the opportunity to linger in the courtship phase, you might stretch that time out so much that the bond snaps before it has a chance to be sealed. Not that we’re recommending you race to the courthouse without doing your due diligence. Just pick up the pace already! In many cases, the real magic begins when you’ve jumped in with both feet. If your options look more barren than a Mojave desert sandscape, start searching elsewhere! You have until the corresponding full moon (a potent lunar eclipse to boot) on October 18 to seal the deal you’re striving for. Branching out socially will definitely increase your options. If nothing else, this new moon could get you back on the playing field, heading to single’s events, reposting your dating profile, and networking for a contact database reboot. Already partnered up? Stop auto-piloting through the motions. Your relationship requires constant care and feeding, so what will you generate for the next six-month phase? Co-create a project, pursue a shared hobby, get plans in motion for an inspiring cross-continental vacation. Stretching, learning and exploring as a pair will revive your bond. Are you ready to leave a bad romance? Hope springs eternal, but for some Libras, this new moon draws the line in the sand. At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. If your sweet-talker keeps doing you wrong, this is your cue to break away and find a more fulfilling connection elsewhere. With a powerful cosmic configuration in your love zone this week, you could meet the replacement faster than you expect. Pace yourself in this instance, so you don’t turn someone with real potential into a rebound. On Friday the 12th, shadowy Pluto turns retrograde in your fourth house of home and family until September 19. Issues with a relative could arise again, just when you thought you were “so over it.” You might even hit the therapist’s couch during this five month Pluto cycle, to work through those final cords that are binding you to the toxic family pattern you need to break. There could be power struggles with the people living under you roof too, be they relatives or the cray-cray neighbor downstairs. Pluto’s backspin helps you get an enlightened perspective. Perhaps it’s time to just move out (or serve ‘em the eviction notice) so you can live the way you each desire without constantly butting heads. Of course, you shouldn’t go running from your home just because a bully is living in the basement apartment. Pluto’s powerful waves can give you the courage to set up firmer measures, even if that means getting a lawyer or landlord involved. This five-month Pluto cycle also encourages you to transform your relationship to food. Being the sign that rules beauty, many Libras develop a keen interest in nutrition (despite your intense sweet tooth). Alas, this can sometimes leave you swept up in the latest fad. And while there’s no denying the power of a green juice teeming with live enzymes, every body is unique. Are you getting enough protein, vitamins and minerals? You might get your blood levels checked by your doctor to see if you need to pump up your intakes or if there are any food allergies present. Tailoring a diet that works for your body type with the help of a nutritionist can keep you gorgeous AND energized now. On Saturday, Mercury joins the planetary party in Aries making you even more expressive in the game of love. Mercury will hang with the Ram until April 30, a potent time to have The Talk if you want to take a relationship to a more serious level of commitment. This is a powerful time for signing contracts too or parsing through legal matters and getting them sorted for once and for all.




Emerald City, here you come! This Wednesday, the new moon in Aries electrifies your second house of finances, stimulating your economic plan with a fresh infusion of possibility. If you’re on the hunt for new work, circulate your resume and have your well-connected friends hook you up with the impresarios in their contact lists. This is a powerful week for interviewing, landing clients, or getting a prominent deal in motion. Gainfully employed? You may simply get a hit about a new path you’d like to explore, perhaps as a side business even. This is the week to start researching, Pisces, even if it takes you until the corresponding full moon (a potent lunar eclipse!) on October 18 to manifest the full results. In some ways, you’re re-branding yourself on the career front now. Even if you’re happily ensconced in a 9-5, you may sense that your role within the company is ready to shift. Are you a solopreneur or business owner? This new moon adds fuel to your fire, pumping you up to develop your venture. Again, new moons are the starting blocks, kicking off a six-month race to the finish line. Be patient with the process, Pisces, but start putting some irons into the fire. Back to the subject of Emerald City: green and clean are the keywords of this new moon and it’s time to rekindle your connection to Mama Nature. Step out of your car and onto the terra firma. If you can walk or ride your bike instead of driving, do! Or, lower your carbon footprint by carpooling and ridesharing. Every little bit counts. Although you’re a water sign, you’ll enjoy sticking your manicured hands into the dirt. Pick up plant starts and get that balcony container garden of herbs growing in your urban pied-a-terre; or, if you have a yard, get the kale, Swiss chard and arugula in the ground. You’ll have a bountiful crop of soon-to-be summer salads that you can serve straight to your plate with the live enzymes buzzing away. While you’re on this hippie-trippy kick, how can you make your home more environmentally friendly? Don’t forget that your body is its own eco-system. The chemicals from cleaning products and makeup seep into your pores. Swap out the harsh ones for all natural, toxin-free sprays and creams. Pesticide-laden produce can be a doozy too. Check out this list of “the dirty dozen,” twelve of the most (and least) contaminated foods: http://www.organic.org/articles/showarticle/article-214, a good record to keep handy when you’re perusing the green grocer’s aisles. On Friday the 12th, probing Pluto turns retrograde in your eleventh house of groups until September 19. Is that crew you assembled truly your dream team, Pisces? Perhaps not. Pluto could deliver a wakeup call, forcing you to confront the heavy price you pay for keeping toxic friends in your inner circle. A destructive drama queen may be demanding the lion’s share of your attention, lessening your ability to collaborate with the other powerhouses in the bunch. You’ve got a tough decision ahead: can you rebalance the roles of everyone to create more equanimity or will you have to serve someone those walking papers? Peacekeeper that you are, we know you’ll try everything to placate your peeps, but make sure you aren’t doing this at your own expense. One rotten apple CAN spoil the barrel, Pisces. Pluto’s reversal deepens your desire for a spiritual community. Start seeking people who share your mystical outlook on life. If you’re already part of a posse like this, your role may shift within the group: who knows, Fish, you might even become the facilitator of this magical bunch. On Saturday, expressive Mercury leaves Pisces after touring your sign since February 5 (with a retrograde in the middle and all). It’s a bummer to see Mercury go, since the messenger planet has really done wonders to help you get your ideas out of your head and into an active or tangible form. There’s no need to weep though, Fish. With Mercury in your second house until April 30, you might turn one of your winning ideas into a viable business. This Mercury phase is great for networking too. Mingle with a purpose, socializing amongst the movers and shakers who can help you build your ideas into an empire.




Fame! Yep, it’s calling you, Sagittarius. On Wednesday the 10th, the new moon and go-getter Mars join forces in Aries and your fifth house of celebutantes. The performer in you is beckoned out of hiding, whether you’re shooting and starring in an independent film, auditioning for a production, planning a live lecture series, or hopping on the karaoke mic and putting on a legendary show. Then again, such spotlight-stealing notions may only be tiny sparks in that mischievous mind of yours. New moons are inception points, moments for planting seeds that will blossom six months later. Circle October 18 for your debut date. This is when the corresponding full moon in Aries—also a potent lunar eclipse—will light up the night (and your name) like diamonds in the sky. Cautionary PSA: fame for fame’s sake is not the point here. Don’t fall into the trap of Sagittarius Snooki or the tragic Archer Anna Nicole Smith. You want to use your influence to put a meaningful message into the world; to provide something that stirs other people on a soul level. Ask not how to gain the most attention, but rather, what the people around you need the most…and how you can best provide it. Fulfilling other people will motivate you more than any rah-rah pep rally ever will. Recommended reading: The Law Of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson. Here’s another question, courtesy of the new moon: do your outsides match your insides? As the official spokesmodel for your mission, this new moon wants to make sure you are appropriately outfitted for your role. Your breezy, comfortable style can sometimes get a little too casual, but you’re also loathe to find yourself at the dry cleaners. If you wind up befuddled every time you draw open the closet door, call in the glam squad. A session with a stylist would be money well spent, especially if you’re designing your “uniform,” modular pieces that you can mix and match with ease. This will be a huge time-saver for on-the-go Archers who don’t have time to waste wondering what the heck you’re going to wear every day. Already rocking it in the stylista department? Give your wardrobe a shot of bright color and pattern. It’s spring again, remember?! Your love life gets a creative infusion from the new moon and Mars as well. If you’re single, you’ll feel drawn back to the dating scene, and you might just meet your next mate midweek! Although it could take six months for the relationship to become “officially official,” pay attention to the attractive (and available) souls in your midst. Spark a little getting to know you chitchat and let it all unfold. You could also repost that online profile and ask friends to fix you up. Taking a proactive stance signals to the universe that you’re ready for amour. Already spoken for? A fresh chapter in your relationship opens up this week, one that’s more playful and creative. Instead of having yet another talk about what the future holds, focus on having more fun together and maybe even collaborating on an inventive endeavor. The best way to lock in love for the long haul now is to be your honey’s favorite playmate as well as his/her confidante. Isn’t that how you choose your BFFs, Archer? While physical chemistry is a must to keep a relationship afloat, enjoying each other’s company outside of the boudoir is every bit as important. Baby fever could strike under the fertile influence of the fifth house, which may portend a pregnancy. If you have kids, you’ll find yourself longing to spend more quality time with them. Playful ideas for guiding your wee ones could crop up, helping you discipline them without losing your funloving edge. On Friday the 12th, powerhouse Pluto shifts into reverse, retrograding through your second house of finances until September 19. Money management becomes a hot topic in your world and you may need to rework your current strategy. Tighten that double-chain belt, Sagittarius. Saving up for a bigger buy instead of dispersing your funds for impulse purchases is the name of the game. If you’ve been borrowing Peter to pay Paul, your debting ways could hit a crisis point, forcing you to clean up your act, consolidate and get a proper payment plan in place. Hopefully you haven’t been living beyond your means like that, but even so, are you cutting it a wee bit too close? Probing Pluto helps you mine for new revenue streams. Think beyond the 9-5 box: how can you create passive income, a “measure once, cut endlessly” approach to stocking that goldmine? You might sign on for sessions with a business coach or financial planner, someone who can help you develop a strong strategy for your moneymaking mission. Retrogrades rule the past, and reuniting with a colleague from back in the day could bring a fresh wave of prosperity. Keep your ears perked for opportunity. Pluto could shroud money in a bit of mystery for the next five months, but if you’re willing to dig, you’ll find that you were sitting right on top of a goldmine all along.




In the words of Scorpio RuPaul, “You’d better work!” But we’re not talking about a sashay down the runway this week. Wednesday’s new moon in Aries joins forces with go-getter Mars in your sixth house of vocation. Roll up those nautical-striped sleeves and give it some elbow grease, Scorpio. When you’re passionate about a project, you’re willing to put in your all. True, you might also need a reminder about the importance of work-life balance, but a mission that consumes you is the one you’ll love most. This new moon gets you fired up about your professional life again. It’s a powerful moment to rededicate yourself to your path. If you haven’t tapped into your dynamic source of inspiration, let the search begin! New moons are prime moments for planting seeds. The harvest occurs six months later during the corresponding full moon in Aries (a mighty lunar eclipse to boot) on October 18. Start preparing the ground this week: jump into a mastermind or business incubator group, sign on for sessions with a career coach, set up a performance review with your boss, get to work on the first draft of a business plan, call the executive recruiter. If you’re happily employed, la luna may prompt an efficiency mission. The sixth house is all about systems: the more simplified and streamlined the better. Break out the proverbial weed wacker and go to town on the messy overgrowth of useless distractions, unkempt filing systems, tasks that need to be outsourced, and even personal vices that keep pulling you away from your path. Speaking of vices, this new moon also brings your health under the microscope. Planets have been piling up in Aries and this part of your chart for the past couple weeks prodding you into the yoga pants and cross trainers. Wednesday’s new moon sounds yet another call for spring training, especially with Coach Mars in the mix. If you’ve been flying high in the healthy-living department, how about shaking up your routine and working a brand new muscle group? Swap a spin workout for aerial yoga class; hop off the treadmill and into a Kundalini yoga class. With your work life heating up, you might require the efficiency of a home exercise routine. Set up the mat and free weights or check out the offerings on yogaglo.com. On Friday the 12th, your celestial ruler Pluto makes its annual five-month retrograde, reversing through your third house of communication and partnerships. Pluto’s backspin could stir up some sibling rivalry or a “keeping up with the Joneses” vibe with your friends, neighbors and coworkers. There’s no denying your competitive streak, Scorpio, but you can only be the best YOU, not a trumped-up clone of someone else’s ideal. If you’re feeling envy (or any of those other seven sins), tune in to the message and let it be your compass. Perhaps you DO want a version of what others have achieved. How can you invent your own spin on it? Pluto’s retrograde could help you develop a genius idea and might even pair you up on this project with someone from your past. Retrogrades are reunion tours, so hop on the Way Back Machine and revive a successful collab between now and September 19. The way you communicate in both the boardroom and the bedroom will come under the Plutonian microscope. While you’re a tantalizing charmer, are you making promises you can’t keep? If you’ve been sending out mixed messages, that habit could come back to bite you in the arse. Someone could lay down an all-or-nothing proposition, forcing you to make a difficult choice during Pluto’s retrograde. Something’s gotta give, Scorpio, if you want this partnership to progress. Don’t let your fixed vision interfere with the negotiation process. Compromise is called for or you could lose an important ally. On Saturday, information-gatherer Mercury joins the Aries party, further piquing your interest in wellness. You could find yourself obsessed with nutrition, reading and watching everything you can get your hands on about green juices, gluten-free diets, and organic gardening. Mercury is a gearhead too, making this a great weekend to get set up on helpful apps to help you track your food intake and exercise, or just keep your life more organized in general–less stress equals a happier, healthier you!




Just. Let. Go. On Wednesday the 10th, a new moon in Aries energizes your twelfth house of healing and completion. Surrendering is never easy for a stubborn sign like yours, but it’s time to wave the white flag. By no means is this an admission of defeat. Rather, it’s a nod to the universe that you’re ready to place your energy in a new and more fulfilling direction. But you don’t have to rip off the bandages, Bull. This new moon opens up a gentle six-month window that allows you to lovingly release that which is no longer serving you. And just because you let this particular incarnation go, doesn’t mean it won’t reappear in a different form. Your fixed view on how things “should” play out may be the very thing blocking your breakthrough discovery or insight. PS: don’t try to take this transitional tour all alone. The twelfth house rules guardian angels and helpful guides, and this week could find you pointed to some amazing sources of support. You might feel called to do intensive work with a coach, therapist, healer, spiritual leader, or holistic practitioner–whatever it takes to plumb the depths and get to the root of the issue, Taurus! You’re ready to tackle this recurring theme and change the scenery for good. Have you been holding on to anger or a grudge? “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it,” wrote Mark Twain. There’s a sweet and beautiful lesson to be found from a painful chapter in your past. Rather than curse the people who hurt you, use the energy of this new moon to acknowledge how, as Bull-babe Kelly Clarkson belted, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” You may find yourself inspired to go on a major decluttering mission this week too. Follow that urge to purge, as visual symbols have a strong effect on your subconscious. Box up files, create a neat shelving system, see if you can sell used books and clothes or donate them to a charity for the last-minute tax writeoff. Although you may be rocking a bauble that’s worth a small fortune or lounging on an expensive piece of furniture, does it bear the scars of a sad chapter in your life? Parting ways with “sentimental objects” like these could be nothing short of liberating this week. At the very least, get those triggering mementos out of your line of vision so you have a chance to recover without a daily reminder of a disappointing situation. On Friday the 12th, probing Pluto shifts into reverse, turning retrograde in your ninth house until September 19. Your search for truth and meaning intensifies, and might even send you on a pilgrimage to another part of the world. Hiking the Incan trail, training with a Peruvian shaman, bowing to divine wisdom in Bali, touring the cathedrals of Rome: don’t be surprised if you feel a soulful pull to another corner of the globe. As retrogrades rule the past, you might even return to a location that held special (and spiritual) significance for you. Pluto brings penetrating insights and this retrograde tour will help you review your personal history and finally have those pattern-breaking “Aha!” moments. The downside of Pluto’s backspin is that it threatens to add a few pounds to your already rather-heavy truth hammer. Compassion could fly out the window when you are trying to dole out tough love, but this is a no-win game. Sure, Taurus, you might be so spot on with your assessment that it hurts: and that’s the problem. If your candor results in breaking people’s spirits, you’ve missed the point. Build people up instead by making room for human error. As you know, mistakes are part of the learning process; bricks on the road to mastery. On Saturday, the muse comes by for a two-week visit so break out the guitar, watercolors and homebrewing kit. Expressive Mercury will tour Aries and your twelfth house until April 30, a stellar time for creativity. Don’t be surprised if visions come to you in your sleep, rousing you and sending you to your studio for a 3AM jam session. Music is an especially potent medicine for you now. Play it as often as possible and take regular dance breaks to rev up your energy. People may be less than forthcoming during this Mercury phase, so don’t take anything at face value. You’ll need to probe a bit and do your own independent research to get to the truth. Withhold labels like BFF or “The One” until you’ve seen the whole picture—even if you DO feel the immediate sparks.




You’re sexy and you know it, Virgo…or do you? This Wednesday’s new moon in Aries electrifies your erotic eighth house, setting off a reminder alarm to pay attention to your seductive charms. This is not about being as sleazy as a season one Snooki (as your modest sign may fear) or in any way déclassé. That scintillating energy is your creative life force, Virgo, and ignoring it can cast a thick cloud cover over your joie de vivre. So, what will it take to bring sexy back? Sure, a trip to Agent Provocateur could be a fun (and even necessary) diversion, as could a much-needed romp in the sheets. But how about delving back into your own imaginative powers? Though you get a rep for being straight-laced and analytical, you’re also a mutable sign. As such, you know how to bend the forces of the universe into a masterful work of art. From Polaroid photography to deconstructed dishes to breathy, complex vocals a la Virgo Florence Welch, give your artsy alchemist some “cosmic love”: http://vimeo.com/25454434. Not sure where to begin? Tuck into Julia Cameron’s classic tome “The Artist’s Way” to get the muse a-flowing. Are you feeling out of touch with your body? This can dampen your mojo like nobody’s business. Rather than force yourself into spring fever mode with your sweetie, get thee to the Pilates studio or dance class. Movement is medicine, Virgo, especially when it comes to your sensual healing. Once you’ve landed back into your own skin, you’ll find it much easier to entwine with another. Of course, some Virgos might be ready to receive a flash of white-hot mojo from this new moon. Hello, spring awakening! Draw the drapes, hang the Do Not Disturb sign, and let the private party commence. The eighth house also rules finances, and this new moon could spark your interest in an investment opportunity. Alternatively, someone may want to funnel dollars behind your dreams. Set up the Kickstarter page, present your plan to the VCs, hire an agent to shop your work around. Slicing off a piece of the pie to a helpful representative or funder can give you a lot more resources to play with. It takes money to make money, Virgo, so let go of some of that control. Your interest in passive income streams is piqued as well. Start exploring everything from real estate investment to affiliate marketing. You might be profiting from a brand new revenue stream by the corresponding full moon (a juicy lunar eclipse!) this coming October 18. On Friday, shadowy, mystical Pluto does a U-Turn, slipping into retrograde in your fifth house of fame, drama and romance until September 19. You could come face to face with a few of your own demons now; particularly your penchant for stirring up emotional storms just to keep life “exciting.” Be honest: it’s a little too easy for you to fly off the handle sometimes, Virgo. But how often do you find yourself up in arms, venting, and outraged? Ex-hausting! This can do major damage to your love life too. You can only expect your sweetie to ride the emotional roller coaster so many times before you both wind up dizzy and sick. With crisis-junkie Pluto pulling a backspin, you are ready to untangle yourself from these draining patterns. Start finding healthier outlets for your dramatic fixes. Rather than getting overly involved in people’s lives, this is yet another call towards your own creativity. Sometimes, the addiction to meddling is just a means of procrastination for you, Virgo. Pin some canvases to the wall, dust off your camera, turn the spare bedroom into a music studio. Long before your next birthday rolls around you might be too busy composing your magnum opus to be bothered with people’s trifling B.S. A funny thing happens in your love life too: the less involved you are in playing rescuer to your sweetie, the stronger your chemistry shall be. On Saturday, Mercury slips into Aries and your house of secrets until April 30. Shhh! People may entrust you with their most closely-held confidences and it’s up to you to keep them in the vault. Your connection to one or two trusted souls can deepen considerably. Devote more one-on-one time to these relationships so you can get to know each other better. Make sure you’re spilling your secrets to people who know the true meaning of loyalty. You’ve got 99 problems, Virgo, but a snitch ain’t one!


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